Unlocking the Secrets of Million-Dollar Property Development
Are you a passionate property person ready to get started on a journey into the exciting world of property development?

Do you have dreams of turning your love for real estate into a million-dollar success story but don't know where to start or who to trust?

Maybe you've been investing in property for a while. Done a renovation or two and got the bug for transforming a property into something better. And you want to increase your cash profits.
You can see the power in actively developing property so you make money sooner and you want to take control of your financial destiny.
Should you wish to transform that dream into a reality I will guide you every step of the way.
Making it Easy For you
I understand the sense of excitement but also the feeling of anxiety about getting started with property development. That's exactly why I put together my signature training program. To make it easy for you to take that important first step.
If you've been daydreaming about doing projects. And you're eager to make a mark in property development, then consider this your golden ticket.
Swing open the doors and step into the Property Developer Training. An adventure that's about to turn your dreams into reality.

I'm handing you more than a textbook. I'm opening the door to your exciting future as a property developer.
Justin on site at one of his townhouse projects.
The Property Developer Training is your backstage pass to the strategies, insights, and wisdom I have gained from the trenches of property development.
"A no-nonsense step-by-step journey through the development process. Justin's Property Developer Training gives an honest guide to starting your first project, the work required and the results you can expect."
You can Be a Property Developer
My complete program has been carefully put together based on the lessons learned from my projects.
This is more than just a course. It's your blueprint for success in small, multi-unit property development.

Be it a small duplex project, a 3 or 4 unit townhouse development or maybe something a little larger.
Justin out the front of his first development project.
"If you're starting off and don't know anything about the business, this course legit teaches you from A-Z. Opened my eyes and got me super hyped to secure my first site."
Your Easy Step by Step Guide
The training steps you simply, safely and steadily through the property development cycle. From preparing for a project. To searching for a development site. To building the new dwellings and completing the job.

Most of the modules are no longer than 10 minutes each. You'll love how quickly you can knock them off when you get a spare moment, or binge them in long sessions.
I've designed the content to be easy to consume and understand.

You will discover:
  • everything about the property development cycle so you gain mastery over the entire development process. Be it for projects ranging from duplexes to 3 or 4 unit sites and larger. This isn't theory. It's like looking over my shoulder as I navigate a successful project. You'll see exactly how a project unfolds and know what to expect along the way.
  • how to build your dream team to enable ongoing success. Property developing is a team effort. You'll learn how to assemble the perfect team. Understanding the pivotal roles different people play will ensure you triumph as a property developer. A well constructed team streamlines the process and reduces risk so that your project runs smoothly.
  • how to achieve financial mastery so you avoid the financial pitfalls that can derail your dreams. You'll discover financial feasibilities and project funding essentials so you can assess projects like a pro. You'll be shown how to prepare a fantastic financial feasibility for any project. And calculate the cash needed for your venture. Accurate feasibilities mean you can confidently start and finish your project.
Justin admiring the progress at his townhouse project.
  • site selection secrets so you unearth the hidden gems hiding in plain sight. Find a development site that doesn't just meet your expectations but exceeds them. This will ensure substantial profits for your hard work. Identifying a lucrative development site boosts your profits. Your hard work will be rewarded with fantastic returns on investment.
  • how to achieve planning perfection so your project gets the green light from the authorities. A smooth planning process means less hassle and faster approvals so you can avoid unnecessary delays.
  • pre-construction brilliance so you become a boss at pre-construction activities. You'll learn about the art of selling off the plan. A strategy that de-risks your project. It also helps with financial security and construction funding so that you seamlessly move from planning to building.
Another multi-million dollar project that Justin delivered.
  • how to prepare killer construction documentation so the builder delivers on your vision. This is more than paperwork. It's ensuring builders can accurately price your project and construct exactly what you expect. Clear, detailed documentation ensures that your project is built to your expectation. Minimising surprises and maximising your satisfaction.
  • how to find an awesome builder who will make the construction phase smooth and enjoyable. It's more than hammers and nails. It's about partnering with someone who shares your commitment. An excellent builder makes the construction phase a breeze.
  • how to prepare building contracts and navigate construction so you understand how the properties will get built. It's not just documentation; it's your assurance that every brick and beam goes where it should. You will be able to clearly navigate the construction process. Meaning your properties will be built to your expectations, on time, and within budget.
  • and of course, completing the project and getting your profits so you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour. It's not just about finishing a project. It's about reaping the rewards of your dedication. And celebrating your triumph before starting on the next project!
You will get a detailed explanation of every step of a property development project so you know exactly what will happen along the way.
"I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to take their developing to the next level. Great training on feasibilities and construction costs."
Discover more about the training
"The course itself has been perfect for me in learning the craft, the spreadsheets are a second-to-non tool."
Bonus Content: Unlock Additional Value!
The Property Developer Training is incredible value on its own. You will unlock a treasure trove of resources including checklists and guides.
And you'll also discover Justin's coveted "Pot of Gold" technique. This is how you can discover lucrative development sites from the comfort of your desk.

There's even more I will share with you. Enrol now and receive three bonus standalone courses. Amplifying the value of the Property Developer Training experience.

You will get access to the Raising Capital course where I'll share the secrets to raising money to fund your projects. I've raised millions of dollars using the methods I explain.
Justin on site managing to colour coordinate with the concrete truck.
You will elevate your funding game and gain an understanding of the secrets of raising capital. 
This bonus training will show you:
  • how to determine how much money you actually need (and when) so you know what cash you need to start and finish a project.
  • the basic capital stack so you understand the difference between senior debt, junior debt and mezzanine debt. This will help you craft a financing plan that suits your needs.
  • the difference between debt and equity so you gain clarity on which is right for your project.
  • some of the legal details you need to know when it comes to raising money so you can stay on the right side of the law.
  • how to craft investment proposals that dazzle and delight. You will learn the art of preparing compelling investment proposals that attract investors.
  • where to find investors who are looking to invest in your projects. You will discover where to find potential investors. And how to build lasting connections so that people want to keep partnering with you.
  • the way to master the essentials of raising capital so you can fund those beautiful projects of yours. Get the keys to successful capital raising so you gain the confidence to approach investors. This will unlock the finance to turn your property development dreams into a reality.
"Really valuable content and easy to understand modules. I wish I had this insight at 15. I am well into my first townhouse project and looking good for completion by November. What an education!"
Showing you how to become a full time property developer
You might think that one bonus training is enough! Even so, I've added a second standalone training for you called Taking it to the Next Level.
You will love this training if you have ambitions to become a full time property developer. For those eager to push boundaries and soar to new heights, this bonus course will guide you to the next level.

You will be shown:
  • how to become a full time developer so you gain clarity on the challenges and opportunities that come with scaling up your activities.
  • how to transition from part-time to full-time property developer so you can make a smooth and successful shift.
  • a pathway to earning $100,000 a year so you can plot your exit from the daily drudge of a job. You'll see a way to lift your income and turn property development into a lucrative career.
  • details on the importance of capital raising skills so you can do more projects and increase the velocity of your returns.
  • the skills and capabilities you may need to develop so you can enjoy sustained success.
  • how to understand and manage risk effectively so you can identify, mitigate, and navigate risks confidently. Safeguarding your investments.
Taking it to the Next Level will give you with the tools and knowledge to dream big and make those dreams come true. Whether you aspire to become a full-time developer, increase your income or manage larger projects, this bonus course is your guide to reaching new heights.
One of Justin's multi-million dollar projects.
Sharing the building blueprint
Two bonus training courses is epic, you might be saying! And it is, yet I've added a third standalone training for you called Building Blueprint.
This training will give you the inside running on how to make your construction phase a big success. You will learn tactics for navigating construction during challenging times in the building industry.

You will be shown:
  • the essentials of construction contracts so you know how they work and what to look out for
  • how to ensure your project gets built on time and on budget
  • important contract terms and clauses such as variations, delays, defects, timeframes and much more so you can navigate contracts with ease and discuss key points with builders
  • ways to identify and mitigate construction risks so measures can be put in place to give you confidence and comfort that your project will get finished and look good
  • how to find and select the builder who is a perfect fit for your project
  • steps you can take to prepare for building success and set yourself up for a smooth construction phase.
Building Blueprint will give you the confidence to discuss contractual issues with builders and know which items are critically important when negotiating a building contract. You will be able to put in place measures to make building a breeze.
Insider Tips You Won't Find Anywhere Else
Justin doing a final walk through of his completed project.
You'll get access to exclusive discussions with leading developers. They will share their secrets to finding sites, how to cultivate joint ventures and much more.

This is insider knowledge that you won't find anywhere else.
You don't want to miss Australia's top commercial broker dissecting a feasibility study. Providing insights into how he determines if a project is worthy of funding.
What he shares will blow you away. It will give you the inside running on how to dazzle potential lenders with the details of your projects.

You will get:
  • access to expert discussions and insider knowledge. I share exclusive conversations with top developers. I prise out their secrets about how they find lucrative development sites. How they put together joint ventures and find money partners, and what they focus on to succeed. You will gain insights from industry leaders so you follow the path to success.
  • strategic questions to ask potential team members so you can start conversations with town planners, lawyers, accountants, designers and even investors! Streamlining who you work with so that every team member is right for the job.
  • access to comprehensive checklists so you tick everything off and stay on track. Embark on your property development journey armed with detailed checklists. Designed to be your roadmap through every crucial step of the process. These are the same tools I use to navigate a project from idea to completion.
Each of the two bonus courses on their own are worth the price of admission! Yet there's even more that you will get.
The sale board from Justin's first project. Sold out!
Opportunities for you to engage and ask questions
In addition to all the training content and courses I've already mentioned. You also get access to the Property Developer Training Forum and Social Wall.
This is where you ask me questions and engage with other lovers of property developing. This is your forum for finding out the answers to questions you have.

The Social Wall is where I post about what I'm up to. You get updates on my projects. And I share what's happening across the property development industry.
If you want to ask me questions, then this is where you'll find me.
"We really enjoy the Property Developer Training. For us, it is the best property development course. Justin's course gets straight to the point and simplifies the process and breaks down each component of property development. You get so much value from this course, we highly recommend it."
10 reasons you'll love property development
Let's look at 10 reasons why you'll love property development.
  • Leverage your time. You can work less and get paid more. You can run a small, multi-unit project by investing around 10-14 hours a week of your time. In return you might get back a few hundred thousand dollars in two years. That's a pretty good return on your time investment!
  • Take charge of your financial destiny. You can take charge of your financial destiny. It's up to you how much money you can make depending on the veolicty and scale of projects you take on.
  • Take your property investing to the next level. Manufacture your investments. You can take a piece of land and turn it into income producing assets which you can use to create cash flow. You can sell down the new units and enjoy the profits. Or you could sell one and keep one with low gearing or debt free.
  • Flexibility to build strong assets. You have flexibility about the kind of assets that you build. You could build a portfolio of cash flow producing properties at wholesale prices. Think high yielding rooming houses, duplexes, or other types of cash-flow producing property. Instead of trying to find them, you can build them.
  • Boost your retirement fund. Grow your retirement fund with a simple development. For example, if you currently own a block of land somewhere in Australia, you might be able to develop it. Realising the potential financial gains right underneath your feet. You could then use that money to boost your retirement fund in a highly tax efficient way. Or add profits from your projects into your super fund.
Justin loving being on his site checking out the progress.
  • Create extra wealth. Imagine what would happen if every couple of years you bank the profits from a project. Over 10 years you might earn an extra $500,000, $700,000, or more. That extra money compounds over time. It could be worth well over a million dollars just from spending 10-14 hours a week working on a project.
  • Leave a legacy. Want to leave something behind for future generations? You can have properties providing income and financial returns long past your lifetime. You could support future generations of people. Or you can build homes that look awesome and leave a positive mark on the local area.
  • Property developing is repeatable. Once you understand the property development process, you can do it all again. It's something that's not only repeatable, but also a lifelong skill.
  • Build a big business with low overheads. You can build a big business with almost no staff and very low overheads. You can outsource most of the skills required to consultants and other people. You don't need to have a fancy office. You don't need to have lots of staff. You can actually keep your operating costs to a low level and it can be scalable.
  • Property development is fulfilling. There is something special about having an idea, a vision for a site. Then making it happen. It feels fulfilling to work through all the challenges along the way. Then deliver new properties to the market. Building something tangible that will be there for decades is actually very rewarding.
Site works underway at Justin's townhouse project. It's exciting when the machinery gets on site.
Meet your guide
Justin out the front of another one of his townhouse projects. Admiring the new concrete driveway.
I'm Justin Gehde and you might know me as the host of the Property Developer Podcast. I'm also the author of the book Become a Million Dollar Developer: An insider's guide to wealth, fulfilment and glory.

I'm an active property developer. I've done projects worth more than $24 million. I've built a stack of townhouses (48 and counting). And I once stood where you are today, wanting to become a property developer.
I've faced many challenges so you don't have to
Drawing from my own experiences, I understand that not every project goes exactly to plan.

I've had many setbacks! I've been to the planning court to overturn a permit refusal. I've faced delays dealing with councils.
I've confronted complex challenges that have caused disruptions and delays. A builder tried to rip me off.
Justin had to solve the problem of water pooling behind these units.
Market changes have thrown some unexpected curveballs. Juggling tasks has been part of the journey.

Through these tests, I've acquired valuable insights and wisdom. I'm sharing the tips, tricks, and ideas that can help you sidestep similar pitfalls.
I've lost plenty of "skin in the game"! That means I can guide you through a property development so you avoid silly traps and succeed.

With my guidance you could become a multi-million dollar property developer.
Will you live your dream life?
Every day you delay taking a step toward your property development dream is another day lost.

Procrastination is costly; it's a missed opportunity. It's another profitable site that somebody else buys.

Enrolling now will not only secure you a spot. It's a decisive step towards turning your aspirations into reality.
The Property Developer Training is an express ticket to a future where you are living your best life.

Hesitation can dissolve your dreams. Act now, and propel yourself closer to the life you've imagined.
Your dreams deserve the urgency of acting today.
Time to become a property developer
This is your chance to define your future in property development. Seize this opportunity today. Embark on your journey from aspiring to actual property developer.

Enrol now to unlock the Property Developer Training so you can access all the bonus content. Start turning your dreams into blueprints, and your blueprints into reality.

Your journey towards becoming a successful property developer starts now.
I look forward to seeing you on the inside of the Property Developer Training.

Yours in developing
ps. for any questions or clarifications, don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected]
Frequently Asked Qustions
Justin Gehde is the director of property development company GEHDE, which delivers medium-sized townhouse projects.
Justin is responsible for all elements of a development project from sourcing and securing sites and managing the planning application through to sales and coordinating construction.
Check out his projects at https://gehde.com.au/projects/
Justin is the host of the Property Developer Podcast, where he discusses all things property development with a range of industry players. You can find the podcast at https://www.propertydeveloperpodcast.com
Grab a free copy of Become a Million Dollar Property Developer: An insider's guide to wealth, fulfilment and glory at https://www.propertydevelopertraining.com/digital_book
You bet. There is a 30-day period where you can ask for a refund if you don't feel the training is right for you.
Absolutely. Once you join up, you will be able to access all the modules, trainings and content inside the Property Developer Training. You won't be drip fed content so you can dive right in and consume at your own pace and pleasure.